【ネス】ブラック★ロックシューター【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm39034284

“I think it is a song that is perfect for people who can not meet people and have a life like a person in the world. Whenever the white guy is black, it is the first boiling. If who is the No. 1 solo, it takes black and white. something like that. Songman Usage source Sm37943786 photograph ?s=21 [Delivery ticket] (Sat) 17:30 OPEN / 18:00 START ● LAWSICE LIVE STREAMING Audial ticket: 3,500 yen (tax included) Reception URL: https: // Sales period: May 29 (Sat) 20: 00-July 27 (Tuesday) 21:00 Delivery date: July 24 (Sat) 18: 00- Archive Delivery: July 24 (Saturday) Live Delivery Closed-July 27 (Tuesday) 23:59 ☆ Rab Info ☆ Official Web Mylis Twitter Facebook Ness (white) 07/15/2021 13:00 Views 3,761
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