The Hobbit + The Huntsman - Thranduil/Freya - I Could Be Cold but I’m Burning for a New Life

► fandoms: The Hobbit, The Huntsman: Winter’s War ► pairing: Thranduil/Freya ► song: The Huntsman: Winter’s War was a big disappointment. So I had struggled to forget how they tortured logic until I decided to simply use Freya as someone close to OC. Because Emily Blunt is a really good actress and even this awful script couldn’t ruin her acting. And since some part of me liked the idea of Thranduil/Freya even before the film came out (thank you, the great vidders of YouTube!), the end was inevitable. When I heard this song, I thought it was just perfect for this crossover. And yes, in this ...vid Thranduil hasn’t got any wife or son (though you can watch this as Freya-will-be-Legolas’-mother kind of story, if you like it this way). #fanvidfeed #thehobbit #thehuntsman #thehuntsmanwinterswar #thranduil #freya #leepace #emilyblunt
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