Star Soldier GC スターソルジャー GC - 5min Mode - (30Hz Rapid Fire)

Alongside the 2 minutes mode run is this 5 min mode recording. The run is a bit sloppy as I got hit once and had to work around the weird power-down system and get hit on purpose before grabbing a power to get back on track, but I nonetheless 1-lifed the run while getting a lot more points than my previous PB. 5 minutes may be a bit long for me, but I like the myriad of mid-bosses you can quick-kill, that’s very fun. In any case, that’s one of the most engaging caravan modes I’ve played in a star Soldier game. The guitar music as well as the blaster secondary weapon and the falling point items to grab make it feel more exciting than the old-school Star Soldiers. Played on Dolphin, recorded with OBS Studio
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