McDonalds VS Hackers - Mc Donald’s Free Food Is A Perfectly Balanced Restaurant With No Exploits
Today we take a look at the longstanding history of Mc donalds and their many battles against hackers and exploiters that are trying to find ways to secure infinite free food or just unlimited money by printing and selling infinite coupon codes! So today we will be covering the infinite cheeseburger exploit in the UK. The hamburger discount underflow that was found in Australia and my personal favourite the German hackers who discovered how easy it was to trick the mc Donald’s website into just printing coupon codes for every meal! Whilst many try to life hack there way to an easier living we here at the spiffing brit instead prefer to just exploit our way to success and infinite money!
So sit back and watch as the spiffing brit tests to see if Free Food is a perfectly balanced system with no exploits or if the infinite discount coupon codes from mc donalds are ever so slightly broken!
What you have seen here today is part of a fantastic perfectly balanced series on youtube w