Why I Quit Dancing Ballet Professionally

In this video, I want to share my story with you about why I stopped dancing ballet professionally. I talk about the fear of leaving ballet after dancing for 20 years, the fear of losing the identity of being a ballerina, the fact that I struggled with depression, nihilism, and chronic back pain in the last years but also just overall thoughts about the ballet industry as a whole. As much as this video was hard to make, I hope this video helps someone out there make a big career or life decision. Thank you for watching and for your continuous support! TIMESTAMPS 00:00 INTRODUCTION 02:54 MY STORY - Careers, Dreams, Depression, Back Pain 私の経験 - キャリア、夢、うつ病、腰痛 10:09 WHY WE WORK - MONEY 私たちが働く理由 - お金 12:11 WHY WE WORK - PASSION 私たちが働く理由 - 情熱 13:55 WHY WE WORK - HELPING PEOPLE 私たちが働く理由 - 人々を助ける 16:40 WHY WE WORK - PURPOSE 私たちが働く理由 - 目的 18:28 WHY WE WORK - STATUS 私たちが働く理由 - ステータス 20:36 MY STRUGGLES - HOW TO LET GO OF YOUR ATTACHMENTS 執着を手放す方法 23:41 REGRETS 後悔 24:24 EXPOSING MY DIARY 日記公開 26:13 THANK YOU ありがとう 🙋‍♀️ABOUT SAYAKA WAKITA Born and raised in Japan, Sayaka studied ballet in Canada and Belgium. Afterward, she danced as a principal and soloist ballerina in more than 30 countries, including Germany and Russia. In 2023, she graduated with honors from Harvard University and is currently an entrepreneur. 🌸脇田紗也加 愛知県生まれ。カナダ、ベルギー•アントワープ王立バレエ学校卒業後、ドイツ・ドルトムント国立バレエ団やロシアを初めとする、30ヶ国以上でプリンシパル兼ソリスト・バレエダンサーとして活動をする。2013年に米国ハーバード大学を成績優秀者として卒業。現在は起業家、大学講師として様々な活動をしている。 REFERENCES Simonton, D. K. (1991). Creative Productivity Through the Adult Years. Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging, 15(2), 13–16. CONNECT WITH ME 💻 Website/Newsletter - 📸 Instagram - 🐦 Twitter - ❤️ Youtube - 📸 PRINTS FOR SALE -
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