Nikola Tesla: “The Mind of God Lives Here!“ (THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND)

These are silenced science words That Will Blow Your Mind! Nikola Tesla: “The Mind of God Lives Here!“ (Sound is the Source of Creation) Sound, and the resulting resonance is the key factor in the creation of all things. As it manifests in physical form, one can observe how different frequencies create different shapes. In this fascinating video, Nikola Tesla shares his amazing insights on the nature of sound and its role in the creation of the universe. To learn more about Michael Tellinger’s research, visit: @Michaeltellinger “It Goes Straight To Your Brain” - DEEP FOCUS ALPHA SESSION (10Hz) 🎧 Please use headphones and Listen Carefully. → Videos that might interest you: ★ Nikola Tesla’s Time Travel Experiences → Produced and Scripted by Sync Mind Team ★ Sound Design by Sync Mind Team. ► Footage licensed through Videoblocks, Filmpac, Artgrid, and Envato Elements ★ Argument/Narration: Sync Mind Team ⓒ 2022 Sync Mind Audio LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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