You: a critically injured NPC in a room full of loot (ASMR)
You are practically every NPC I ever had to save in a game (just without all the repetitive dialogue, annoying grunts of pain, glitchy pathing, etc., etc.). I’m sure some of you can relate.
00:00:00 I’ll take that. And that. And that...
00:00:54 Oh, hi there!
00:02:40 This is our lucky day!
00:04:04 Before I can help you...
00:06:12 My quest
00:07:36 Your quest
00:09:25 Back to looting...
00:10:00 The worlds where I sell my loot
00:15:27 Hush, it won’t be much longer...
00:16:46 My Bag of Infinite Holding
00:17:53 Back to looting / Toy building block currency
00:18:20 A strange musical key
00:19:30 A magic cone
00:20:00 A handheld fan
00:20:12 An old straight razor
00:20:55 A globe of one of the first Earths
00:22:36 A can of coffee ground currency
00:23:31 A pair of creature hands
00:24:17 A “Sleep Note“
00:25:27 Some multisided dice
00:26:09 A pouch of gold coins
00:26:30 And one gold coin for you