(23 Oct 2000) English/Nat XFA U-S Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has opened her visit to North Korea by paying respects to the man who founded the communist nation. Shortly after arriving in Pyongyang, Albright visited the palace where the remains of Kim Il Sung are on display. Later on Monday Albright is expected to meet with Kim’s son and North Korea’s present leader, Kim Jong Il. Albright is the first U-S secretary of State to visit North Korea. If her visit is successful, President Clinton may follow in her footsteps, during a visit to Asia next month. The top U-S diplomat also visited a school where she watched children perform traditional dances. The school serves as a distribution point for the U-N World Food Program. Albright noted that the U-S has contributed one-point-five (m) million tons of food to the program over the years. Albright was greeted by North Korea’s vice foreign minister, Kim Gye Gwan. An eight year-old boy wearing a
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