The Story Of Miley Cyrus And Her Dead Petz

IMPORTANT: Hey Guys! Long story short: I had to re-upload all of my videos with my name on them. There are so many people who had been posting my work without my permission on their YouTube channels or their social networks. So PLEASE, if you see someone copying my content REPORT it. And if you want to use my videos, ASK ME. Thank you so much for your support and all of the comments I have received lately. It really means a lot for me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello guys! I’m back with a new video. This time is about Miley Cyrus And Her Dead Petz. I know a lot of people in the fan base have mixed feelings about this album but I really like it. What I love about this era is that Miley did exactly what she wanted to do and that’s what been an artist is all about. Not about selling or being mainstream. Also, I want to give a shout-out to Somanshu Agarwal for the beautiful piano cover of The Twinkle Song. You can follo
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