SKÁLD | Jörmungrund (Lyrics & Translation)

~ Enable subtitles for the English translation! Both the translation to English and the transliteration to runes made by me, but since I cannot call myself an expert either in Old Norse and runes, any correction and/or suggestion is warmly appreciated. Differently from usual, this song is mostly in contemporary Icelandic, with only a few lines in Old Norse, all taken from the Völuspá: these few lines are the only ones transcribed in Futhark, the rest was left as it is, because it wouldn’t make any sense to transcribe contemporary Icelandic in runes. Despite the fact that the song is mostly in Icelandic, the lyrics are mostly wrongly pronounced with a more Old Norse-like pronunciation. All songs by SKÁLD: Vikings Chant (Album): Vikings Memories (Album):
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