SKÁLD | Norðrljós (Lyrics & Translation)

~ Enable subtitles for the English translation! Both the translation to English and the transliteration to runes made by me, but since I cannot call myself an expert either in Old Norse and runes, any correction and/or suggestion is warmly appreciated. The lyrics are a big patchwork of bits taken from Völundarkviða, Gylfaginning, Grímnismál, Hrólfs saga kraka ok kappa hans, Völuspá, and Hemings þáttr Áslákssonar. In several lines, the passage from an extract to another isn’t very fluid and the resulting meaning is pretty broken, if not meaningless. For unknown reasons, sometimes Icelandic pronoun “ég“ (misspelled as “eg“ by Skáld) was used instead of Old Norse “ek“, while the rest of the sentence was left in Old Norse nonetheless. I know a transcription in runes of such a text doesn’t really have any reason to be, if not as a treat, but yeah…that’s just what it is, bear with me. All s
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