Happy Pills (F451 Project) (Trigger Warnings in Desc.)

TWs - Fire, murder, death, implied death of a legal minor, implied drug use, implied suicide attempt, mentions of drugs, needles. visualized panic attack/sensory overload, themes of depression... I think that’s it. If not, leave a comment and I’ll add to this. Oh, and obviously spoilers for Fahrenheit 451. --- Hey guys, Undersketch here. I have emerged from my solid five-month disappearance to give you all a video I doubt you expected. But hey, I had a project for English and I figured you guys might be interested. (Mrs. Dove, if you’re reading this, welcome to my channel, where I post every once in a blue moon). Also, happy late Halloween to everyone! I’m sorry I couldn’t get anything done for it, but I’ve been swamped completely. Either way, I’ll keep this short. Hope everyone here is staying safe! Wear a mask, go vote, and subscribe for more (eventual) videos. Undersketch, out. ----- Art Program - Medibang Paint (Free! https://medibangp
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