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“The boys set sail on the annual mountain trip beginning in July. We packed up the Untrue van, the Mayor’s Tacoma, Hanni’s Fj cruiser, and Dunn’s Ford from the shop and headed into the Rockies.
The Untrue van helped relieve a lot of stress this year with having a reliable vehicle to haul all the sons a’ b**** we had. Having 3 wild card playas, Shane V and Mat Olson on motos, Dawson and Dirty D meeting us along, plus the crew. It was the most we had on a trip before but the shortest lasted about 5 days…
Day 1 was packed with clips and d
...rinks provided by the lovely people over at Fat Tire. Beer’s everywhere and SD cards ready to be filled with footage and photos.
We began our short week journey at Winter Park skatepark. The stoke was high and boys stacked, also a newly finished spot provided some street clips. Evening hit, Shane and Mat pulled up on the motos at the grocery store and we got food, packed it up and headed to the woods. Unfortunately Hanni’s leg caught a branch trying to climb a tree during the night’s festivities which cost him a late visit to the hospital and ride back home..
“Pack it up 3 more minutes guys”
Day 2 began with hitting up the freshly built Kremmling park followed by Steamboat. After a night filled with hooligans running wild the party continued throughout the day. The first dirt riding started at Steamboat taking out a Untrue pup Colin, Mat put on a show reminding us of how dialed he is. Meanwhile the G leader Preston ran the spinal clinic back at the park. Dirty D met up with us there and the crew was almost fully assembled. Little river time and off into the woods.
“You sons a’ b****** make me sick to my stomach
Day 3 the dust was among us for sure. We drove up to Rifle and hit the park. Heavy hitter Dawson pulled up and proceeded to stomp every single line he wanted with ease the crew was fully assembled! A day in town and to the woods we went and a night of partying carried on.
Day 4 a few woke up not feeling 100 but we made it to Carbondale. Main camera guy Danny was feeling the dust extra hard and had to pass the camera to the Untrue camera guy Joey. There he captured all the bowl rips and dirt jumping that Carbondale had to offer. Lots of footage went down and we headed to the bike park For the final session of the day. The last night of the party went down as well….
Day 5 and the dust was with most at this point. Mat packed up the moto and headed back to Vegas and it was decided to hit one more park and go home. We hit Edwards park and hit one last team Meal at a local bar/ Restaurant outside of Edwards. There we welcomed the 3 wild card playas Keegan, Jeff and Adrian all on to the team with proper PUSHER MOUNTAIN TRIP GREETINGS….
Back on I-70 east, most went back home to the mile high city. Besides the untrue van they went to the casinos for one more night out haha…
Another Pusher Mountain trip in the books! “ - Words by Grindwheel Productions
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