Perfect Peace Isaiah 26:3

Perfect Peace Isaiah 26:3 (New International Version) You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. As we examine the book of Isaiah 26 once again we see our creator his Mercy on display, God again after punishing his people is now restoring them bringing them back into a favorable relationship with him and he goes a little further than just bringing the people back into fellowship with him. God goes on to explain some of the techniques for them that they need to implement in order to remain in a favorable relationship with their creator. Understand this my brother and my sister it is not just enough for you and I to be restored to a favorable place with our God but we not only want to be restored to a favorable place but we want to maintain that favorable place my prayer for you my prayer for me not only may God restore us but may we learn the skills and the necessary things that we must do to maintain that proper place.
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