All who heard it were amazed2
Matthew 7:28
When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching...
As we examine the book of Matthew Chapter 7 we see our Lord and savior Jesus Christ sharing things with the people of God that money could not buy that men could not imagine on their own. he shared a wisdom and insight and understanding of the word of God that could only come from the Spirit of God. My prayer for each one of you there is nothing wrong with studying books there is nothing wrong with obtaining degrees but may the Holy Spirit be the final Authority in our lives may his wisdom tie it all together may his understanding makes sense of all that we are learning in books all that we are studying and receiving degrees regarding. it takes the Holy Spirit to properly interpret and decipher information may that be your portion and may that be mine and the mighty name of Jesus Christ....
The gospel is traditionally attributed to the Apostle Matthew. According to pre