My life worth nothing to me6 Kings 19:4

My life worth nothing to me6 Kings 19:4 while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors. As we take a look at the prophet Elijah and some of his exploits in ancient Israel especially with the wicked husband and wife team of Ahab and Jezebel, we see the prophet feeling like he is at the end of his rope. Sometimes you and I in this life will feel like we have had enough, we have been through enough, we have suffered enough, but God knows us even better than we know ourselves and even though the prophet felt like he had had enough God knew that it was just because of a lack of information that he felt the way he did. my prayer for each of us may we gain more information from God so that we can know that we are stronger than we think we are and that we can do more than we think we can do.
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