🔴 [ PART 2 ] - Poor puppy! Dropped into a filthy canal. It writhed, in pain, screamed bitterly
Poor puppy! It was sick, dropped into a filthy canal. It writhed, in pain, screamed bitterly.
Hello friends!
In Vietnam and some Asian countries, dogs are raised to watch houses, and then eaten.
They are not cared for or loved, and especially when they are sick, some owners do not bring them to a doctor but throw them away like a heavy sheet.
Today, we have saved a sick, dying puppy. It was thrown away mercilessly by the owner.
We hope that people around the world will call and join hands to protect this loyal pet.
For every views, share, comments and subscribe from you was as a supporters are the most biggest motivation for us to continue this path as helping to save animal lives in this world. From the bottom of our heart, thank you!
Warning: Each movie what you are watching will help a lot of poor homeless dogs and cats in Vietnam as well as another Asian countries.
These scenes combine real rescue and edited real-life stories. Lack of constructive feedback will destroy
1 view
4 weeks ago 00:49:16 1
COMMENT L’ART représente (mal ?) le FASC*SME ! 🔥
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