Su-35 / Multirole super-maneuverable fighter

THE MOST POWERFUL GEN 4 AIRCRAFT SYSTEM WITH FIFTH-GENERATION FIGHTER TECHNOLOGIES High combat capabilities, high speed and long range, super-maneuverability and a wide range of onboard weapons, including the latest models. The Su-35 multirole super-maneuverable single-seat fighter is designed to engage air and ground (surface) targets, infrastructure facilities covered by air defense systems and located at considerable distances from the home airfield, as well as conduct aerial reconnaissance. The Su-35 is equipped with unique on-board radar control system, an optical location station, a defensive aids system, is capable of controlling an air group in the air, as well as using the latest guided aircraft missiles, and features super-maneuverability. Су-35 / Многоцелевой сверхманевренный истребитель Высокая боевая мощь, высокая скорость и большая дальность полета, сверхманевренность и широкая номенклатура применяемого вооружения, включая новейшие образцы. Многоцелевой сверхманевренный одноместный ист
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