Combat work of engineering units

Combat work of engineering units Military engineers of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the West group of troops continue combat work in the Kupyansk direction. To conduct engineering reconnaissance in winter conditions, sappers move to designated areas, perform a combined forced march on equipment and on foot, to minimize the discovery of group approaches. Sapper units are the first to go through mine and engineering barriers, make passages for equipment and units, ensuring the advancement of Russian troops. During engineering reconnaissance, sappers discover and destroy anti-tank and anti-personnel mines on site. Each neutralized mine is another step closer to a peaceful life. Sappers perform a service that requires the highest skill and dedication. Every day they risk their lives, looking death in the eye. This is their job - there is no room for error. On the front line, all military personnel are one family, a partnership, where everyone helps and covers each other, and everyone kno... Source: Military Wave
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