Units of the Russian Guard continue demining liberated settlements of the LPR

Units of the Russian Guard continue demining liberated settlements of the LPR Engineering units of the Russian Guard are clearing infrastructure and areas of populated areas from explosive objects in the Lugansk People’s Republic. National Guard members go out every day to clear mines from urban areas, road networks, private plots and farmland. Sapper and canine units conduct engineering reconnaissance of the area, assess the situation, after which the demining group begins to clear the area of ​​explosive objects. Since the beginning of the year alone, Rosgvardia specialists have inspected more than 135 objects in populated areas of the LPR. Over 3,700 explosive objects of various categories were discovered and neutralized. Representatives of local governments note that the further restoration of socially significant facilities and communications necessary for establishing peaceful life and economic activity in the region, and most importantly, the preservation of the life and hea... Source: Military Wave
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