Our Server room which is below ground was flooded due to the fact Telkom used the storm water drains to run their optic fibre lines. The company running new fibre lines in our area hit a main water line and this filled the Storm water drains to capacity and then the pressure caused the foam used to plug the hole to burst.
3 weeks ago 00:26:58 1
Страшный сон #сон #судбожий
4 weeks ago 01:36:54 1
Жуткая крипота из глубин интернет-сайтов! (Бытие времён \ username666, nana825763 \ )
4 weeks ago 00:01:00 1
Страшный сон социофоба
3 months ago 00:27:08 1
Страхи и гордость жителей Сонной Лощины. Подземный Бруклин. Мадам секретарь и письма президенту