Species Spotlight | Rummy-nose Tetra

Aquatics expert Tom Sarac provides an in-depth overview of a beautiful South American characin - the Rummy-nose Tetra! Check out the Fluval Colombia expedition: Originating from Venezuela and Brazil, H. rhodostomus is hardy, striking, and suitable for biotope and planted aquariums! Like most other small tetras, it does best when kept in groups of its own kind, and is compatible with other peaceful South American fish. It prefers to be kept in warm, soft, acidic water, and is an unfussy feeder, although a varied diet that includes live foods will promote the best condition and coloration in the fish. The Rummy-nose Tetra is high on our list of species everyone should keep at least once! Check out our other content! Facebook: Instagram: Website: Newsletter: #Fluval #SpeciesSpotlight #Tetra #Aquarium #Fish
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