
Illusions SUMMER IS HERE!!!! *O* and I start the summer with a horror amv (at least I hoped it to end up that way), anyhow its not that good or so long, since I totally forgot that the deadline for this animecon near me’s amv contest deadline is tomorrow, so I just made a quick video ^^“ Never be like me, and try to finish a amv in one day, it turned out to be so painful, since I haven’t watched/edited with Shiki since LAST summer XP I attempted on focusing it on only the scary moments since I aimed to enter it into a Horror category in the amv contest, and its also a little challenge for me since I have never edited horror before, a little but not so focused much as a theme XDDD Anyhow, hope you enjoy this short short mess of a amv XP Anime: Shiki Song: ULTRAnumb Program Used: Sony Vegas 7.0
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