ENG Eunhyuk likes EunHae the most? - Donghae, don’t you try to deny it huhuh

While checking out some of my eunhae not-made-yet radio audios folder, I noticed that THIS was too easy and too cute to not share it, so here you go! I love the way Hyukjae chokes and he’s like: jkasdjksadjkjk I SAID EUNHAE XD and then Donghae all serious says: EUNHAE... Eun Eun EunSiHae XD BUSTED DUDES. Date: Unknown. Ps: Seems like I cut out the ’I’m sorry’ part of Hyuk D: (I’m using sony vegas now) it was short though... oh well. And oh.. Siwon MIA :c ily ♥ Do not re-u
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