Summoning - The Passing Of The Grey Company (Legendado/Lyrics)

Summoning - The Passing Of The Grey Company (Tradução/Meaning) PT BR A tradução é feita pela minha interpretação da música sem o auxílio de tradutores, portanto sugestivo a erros, assim como minha própria interpretação das obras de Tolkien. The Passing Of The Grey Company is the second chapter in The Return of the King. Aragorn speaks cryptically about taking a route to get to Minas Tirith faster. On the way they meet some Rangers of the North and two more Elves, Elladan and Elrohir. The Dúnedain clad almost entirely in ash come to Aragorn’s aid. Elrohir brings a message from his father, Elrond, in which he says: [...]If thou art in haste, remember the Paths of the Dead. It was said that no living man may travel the Paths and Aragorn insists that Elendil’s heir would pass safely. After a long walk they find an abandoned underground city where whispers are heard following them in the dark. Aragorn speaks with the dead and ca
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