Venezuela during World War II

During World War II, Venezuela played a significant yet often overlooked role. As one of the world’s largest oil exporters, the country became crucial to the Allied war effort. The United States and Britain relied heavily on Venezuelan oil to fuel their military machinery. Recognizing the strategic importance of their resources, Venezuela aligned more closely with the Allies, despite maintaining formal neutrality for much of the war. Venezuelan President Isaías Medina Angarita initially preserved a neutral stance but supported the Allies through economic means. The country experienced an economic boom due to the increased demand for oil, which significantly boosted its revenues. The Venezuelan government also allowed the U.S. to establish air bases on its territory, enhancing the defense of the Caribbean against potential Axis threats. In 1941, German U-boats targeted Venezuelan oil tankers, prompting the government to bolster its defenses and enhance cooperation with Allied forces. By 1945, Ve
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