Random 10: Ego Z6 Zero Turn Mower (10 Random Features & Benefits)

The Ego Z6 zero turn has been in high demand since Ego posted a few pics of it on social media sites in late 2020. So what makes this machine so popular? It is a 56 volt battery powered zero turn that comes with 4 of Egos 10 Ah Power Plus batteries. Those batteries can easily be removed and used in over Ego power products. It has great operator comforts like an a suspension seat, cup holder, storage compartment, and cell phone holder. The Z6 has an easy to use operator’s control panel that lets you set the performance of the machine to your comfort and experience level. And of course the big draw to the Ego Z6 is the fact that it does not require all the extra expenses and upkeep that gas powered equipment does since there is no gas, no oil, no spark plugs, no belts, no air filter, etc etc. EGO Z6 56 Volt Zero Turn Mower #z6 #EGO #PowerBeyondBelief
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