DO NOT OPEN | PS Reveal Trailer

PRESS RELEASE: DO NOT OPEN GOES IN BOX! We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with publisher Perp Games, soyou can add DNO to your horror collection on the shelf, with distribution across EMEA and USA. With high quality and diverse games from the recent Chernobylite, to big franchises like The Walking Dead, Perp Games is definitely a great partner that will allow us to reach more homes, and we are proud to be part of this great family. RELEASE DATE With our new partnership, we want to give the game all the time it needs to be polished, and we also don’t want to walk on the red carpet of AAAs at the end of the year. We are therefore pleased to announce that Do Not Open will be released exclusively on PlayStation in early 2022. CINEMA SOUNDTRACK We have one more sweet thing to share with you, because we know that the soundtrack in a horror game is highly relevant. That’s why we wanted DNO to have a soundtrack worthy of Hollywood, and that’s why we have signed Agus González-Lancharro, an awesome c
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