The passengers that were aboard Ryanair’s Athens to Vilnius have begun sharing their videos of security checks after the forced landing in Minsk. One female passenger recorded the landing of the plane at the Minsk airport and the offloading of passengers.
The Belarus security officials do not seem to be in a hurry when evacuating the passengers from the plane allegedly with a bomb on board. What if it explodes suddenly? “You never know what is on the minds of those who reported the bomb and especially of those who could be among the passengers,“ Telegram channel Pul Pervogo close to Lukashenk
...a’s press office wrote on Sunday. They must have known something!
Video source: Instagram raselle_gr.
Пасажыры рэйса Ryanair Афіны — Вільня пачалі публікаваць у сацсетках відэа дагляду пасля пасадкі ў Мінску. У дзяўчыны атрымалася засняць пасадку самалёта ў Мінску і тое, як пасажыры выходзяць з самалёта.
Чамусьці беларускія сілавікі не спяшаюцца эвакуяваць людзей з быццам бы замініраванага самалёта. А раптам выбух? “КShow more