Small Leaks, Billions Of Dollars: Practical Cryptographic Exploits That Undermine Crypto Wallets

Multi-Party Computation (MPC) has become a common cryptographic technique for protecting hundreds of billions of dollars in cryptocurrency wallets. MPC algorithms are currently powering the wallets of Coinbase, Binance, Zengo, BitGo, Fireblocks and many other fintechs/banks servicing hundreds of millions of consumers and thousands of financial institutions. This presentation examines the most common MPC protocols and implementations and shows that securing MPC remains a challenge for most companies... By: Arik Galansky , Nikolaos Makriyannis , Oren Yomtov Full Abstract and Presentation Materials: #small-leaks-billions-of-dollars-practical-cryptographic-exploits-that-undermine-leading-crypto-wallets-32268
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