Alien Vampires Megamix Revision From DJ DARK MODULATOR

If you love my mixes please consider donating, so that I can continue creating them, I need to upgrade my equipment to make better mixes. New channel on twitch for streams My Facebook Fan page: My Mixcloud page: My Instagram: SPECIAL THANKS TO DONATORS All the gifts must asked from my facebook page Tier V: Electro Body Dancefloor Patreons Marko Glauko (Major) Tier IV: Electro Body Dancefloor Sponsors (1st Lieutenants) Jordan Diambrini Christoph & Sophia Pete T. David Dworzack Tier III: Dark Dancefloor Masters Markus Koenigstein (Warrant Officer) Tier II: Shadow Dancers Aitor Emparan (Sergeant Major) Matt Gastright (Master Sergeant) Silvia Kirschbaum (Sergeant) Daniel Ley (Sergeant) Tier I:
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