My first kit guitar build, Great Guitar Build Off 22, Handmade guitar full build video

Welcome to The Great Guitar Build Off 2022. This was my first kit guitar build and it was quite a challenge. To win this custom build guitar go to: You will need to create an account and then you can buy as many raffle tickets as you want. 45 percent of all tickets will go to children who need it more than we do. I connected to a charity organization, the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth. 40 percent goes to The Great Guitar Build Off to help people who would like to learn guitar building but can’t afford it. And the rest are expenses for running the raffle giveaway. Here are all the competitors from Invitational and Professional categories: Thank you very much for supporting this good cause. And here is my website where you can order your custom guitar, custom premade fretboards, or guita
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