The Pony Fair (1933)

“Down in the New Forest, they hold an annual pony fair, where from far and wide buyers collect together.“ M/S of a man selling buggy whips. People stand around and listen to his patter (silent film) C/U of a man slicing bread - this is probably an open air sandwich stall. C/U of a stall laden with bottles of wine and pies! The pies are stacked one on top of the other - no unnecessary packaging here! M/S of a large horse pulling a cart with people sitting inside it. M/S of lots of ponies standing in a pen. “Ponies and horses of the New Forest, all sorts and sizes - smooth and shaggy.“ M/S of the horses in their pens, crowded together. M/S of three ponies standing together - cute. M/S of man running across the paddock with horse on a rope - showing him off. Frisky young pony bucks at the end of a rope. His owner slaps him on the rump. “All to pass under the hammer and find homes, perhaps many miles away.“ Various shots of ponies being pulled around by ropes. High angle shots of the crowds
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