St. Francis Of Assisi (1926)

Full title reads: “St. Francis of Assisi. Cardinal Merry del Val - Papal Legate - at deeply impressive 7th centenary celebrations at birthplace of the “gentle saint“.“ Assisi, Italy. High angled shot of Cardinal’s car and mounted guard passing a crowd and a troop of soldiers. M/S of Cardinal’s car driving over grass, between crowds. M/S of Cardinal and entourage walking through courtyard. They pass more crowds and a row of guards in shiny helmets. Cardinal waves to crowds. M/S of robed men - priests? monks? - coming out of large cathedral entrance. Behind them a man walking under a large umbrella contraption (looks like fancy wigwam on a stick!). L/S of crowds watching from roofs, top of high walls and steps leading up wall. L/S of procession of altar boys and choristers coming out of cathedral. They are following man under umbrella. Various shots procession. Panning M/S follows Cardinal (now in bishop’s hat) walking with entourage. L/S of Cathedral at Assisi. Intertitle r
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