Trafalgar Day (1926)

Full title reads: “Trafalgar Day. Celebrations in Liverpool and Devonport on 121st Anniversary of Trafalgar Day to the immortal memory of Nelson“. Merseyside and Devon. High angled shot of troop of sailors marching down street, followed by a procession of carnival floats. M/S of a float decorated as old fashioned ship with several men in period costume (Battle of Trafalgar period) on it. More floats with nautical, maritime theme and sailors pushing canons on wheels follow. M/S of a mayor and mayoress (of Devonport?) inspecting troop of young sea cadets. M/S of troop of sailors and Navy officers marching past crowd. M/S of war memorial covered in bunting with wreaths laid around base. M/S of troop of boys in tail coats (from a Naval training school?), some play in a marching band as they pass the crowds. Panning shot of crowd of sailors giving three cheers. Note: difficult to tell which shots are filmed in Liverpool and which in Devonport. AH 2001. FILM ID:646.2 A VIDEO FROM BRI
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