General Strike Number 2 (1926)

Events take place in various locations around the U.K. Item shows the effects of the General Strike on the country. Panning shot of a deserted colliery. Various shots of idle colliery lifts. Various shots of male volunteers being inducted into the emergency constabulary reserves; they are given helmets and truncheons, their training takes place in a village hall. Various shots of constabulary reserves being trained on horseback by a man in a safari helmet. Intertitle: “All clear“. C/U of railway signals changing. M/S of a steam train leaving the station. M/S of crane lifting crates with Cyrillic writing on off a ship. C/U of the (Russian / Soviet) ship’s name: the ’Kuban’. Various shots of volunteers unloading the ship. Low angled shot of the sun behind some clouds. L/S of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. Various shots of and government officials arriving, by foot and by car, at the House of Commons. Various shots of crowds of people waiting beside the railings of Parliament.
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