Selected Originals - New Oil Wealth For Iraq (1952)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “New Oil Wealth for Iraq“ 52/7. Mute version of Iraq Special story. First shot not superimposed with title. Near Basra, Iraq. Canal scene and street scenes in Basra and Mosque in background. SV Arabs smoking hubble bubble pipe. CU Man smoking hubble bubble. LV Cars passing through main streets in Basra. CU Policeman on point duty. Donkeys drawing water from desert well . SV The Prime Minister of Iraq, Nuri Pasha el-Said meets Mr H. S. Gibson CBE, Managing Director of Iraq and Basra Petroleum Co. LV Party walking away from plane. GV Oil well and rig at Zubair. AS Looking up at rig. Inauguration ceremony. LV People following on way to ceremony. LV Prime Minister arriving in front of degassing station for switching on ceremony. AS Looking up at rig. PM and dignitaries meet workers. View of rig. Top view of drilling rig turning, VIPs gathered to watch. CU of drilling bit turning. CU of two Arab men in traditional costume.
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