Toronto, Canada.
Father Xmas from the North Pole en route here. Thousands young and old greet Father Xmas in monster parade.
High angled shot of four men dressed as chefs carrying a platform with an enormous model of a roast turkey on. High angled shot of a gigantic caterpillar (like a Chinese dragon), crowds line the street to watch the parade.
High angled shot of a horse drawn float with a model of Santa Claw’s sleigh and reindeer, a man dressed as Father C. stands in the sleigh, waving a Union Jack flag at the crowd. High angled M/S of Father C. waving. A few seconds of white spa
...cing follows. High angled shot of Father C. passing a sack of presents down to the crowd.
High angled panning shot over the crowd - seems to be mainly children. Brief C/U of Father C. being helped onto sleigh. High angled shot of the procession - old fashioned soldiers are followed by a pipe band, people dressed as fruit, a float with man dressed as an ostrich on, clowns, a float with Old Mother Hubbard’s sShow more