Cambridge, Cambridgeshire.
Title: “STUDENTS’ RUSSIAN RAG. Dressed as Cossacks, Undergraduates hold bogus Political meeting in Market Square“.
M/S of a group of students on horseback wearing Soviet military uniforms and furs hats, they look quite convincing except for the false moustaches and the English policemen standing around in the background. L/S, looking over the heads of a crowd, of the Cossack students on a raised platform. High angled L/S (looks like it was taken from the upper storey of a nearby building) of the crowd and the students in Market Square.
M/S of the Cossacks on the platform - there is a lot of play acting and over the top speech giving. L/S, looking over the heads of the crowd, of a student giving a speech from the platform, he takes a long swig of beer from a bottle, the Cossack students then cheer and wave their hats in the air.
Cuts exist - please see separate record for details.
1 view
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