Boots - Boots - Boots - Latest Russian Boot Styles For Eve (1930)

“Variety is the keynote of this year’s Russian boot vogue - “ M/S of six women arm in arm walking towards the camera. They all wear winter clothes and knee length boots. They stand on some stone steps in a garden. C/U of three of the girls’ legs showing off their boots. Camera pans to show other footwear - spats? “Many people credit the fisherman with the start of the boot vogue, but it’s a far cry from Adam’s fancy to Eve’s dainty modern styles - “ M/S of a woman standing on some stones holding up a pair of fisherman’s waders. C/U of a very snazzy pair of boots with inlaid detail. “Ever after novelty, fashion is searching the world for variety of material and shape.“ Three women walk amongst the stones and heather modelling tweed suits, cloche hats and nice boots. C/U of boots with a kind of ruched detail. C/U of another pair with a fur trim. “Beautifully marked skins, too - “ L/S of two women walking towards the camera down a country path. C/U of various pairs of boots. “And wouldn’t
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