Item title reads - “A joyous rag.“ Students’ frolics hold up town all in the cause of charity. Brighton, East Sussex.
M/S of students in white robes and hoods similar to the Ku Klux Klan, they walk and drive through the town in the parade. One of their floats has a skull and crossbones on the back. a band goes past on another. A sign saying ’save our starving babies’ is put above one float which has a student dressed as a mother and one wearing a big beard and turban. They pull the sheet off the cradle to reveal two more students dressed as babies. One sucks his thumb and they both cry. M/S of a game involving a giant ball, it is lifted and rolled around a yard by the students. M/S as they push it about.
M/S of people running about dressed in various Eastern costumes, one man has a whip. M/S of the cradle covered in a sheet, people climb onto the float and act out their parts. L/S of the general scene, the camera pans across to the cradle and the floats move along. M/S of the ball game again