Crash Proof Aeroplanes Coming! (1925)

Item title reads - Crash proof aeroplanes coming! M. Fokker repeatedly and deliberately risks air smash on his own designed “safety first“ aeroplane. Croydon Aerodrome. Surrey. L/S of the aeroplane with people walking round it. M/S of Mr Fokker in flying gear smiling and talking. M/S of the aeroplane in the air, it has his name on the side. M/S as he gets out on the ground followed by some other men, one shakes his hand. Intertitle - ’Mr Handley Page also demonstrated his equally successful slotted wing device.’ M/S of Mr Page demonstrating the wing device which makes the end of the wings move up and down. L/S of it in the air, we see it from underneath as the end of the wings move. M/S of it taking off, flying about and coming into land. M/S of the hangars with the aeroplane flying overhead, the camera follows it. M/S of men stood about together on the ground. M/S as the aeroplane is brought to a stop, M/S as Mr Fokker walks away from the aeroplane and talks to other men. Various sho
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