Stevenson To “Fight“ Ike (1952)

Chicago, Illinois, United States of America Convention Hall for Democratic Party Convention. SCU. people dressed as policemen. CU. Portrait photograph of Senator Estes Kefauver. CU. Kefauver sign. CU. person with straw hat. CU. person with top hat. . Averell Harriman supporters with banners. SCU. Woman holding banner. SV. Adlai Stevenson banner. SV. Types standing on floor wearing large button hole and holding banner. CU. person blowing trumpet. SV. people dancing. CU. person looking worried, pan to S.V. people stamping out fire. (.) “Firemen here don’t panic“ etc. GV. Crowded hall at nomination time. SV. Crowd. CU. person, pan down to notebook. SV. Virginian delegation. SV. Harriman waving to crowd after withdrawing in favour of Stevenson. GV. Crowd. SV. Kefauver waving from dais after switching votes to Stevenson. SV. President Harry S. Truman with Stevenson walking towards dais. GV. of crowds in hall pan to Truman and Stevenson on dais. SV. Truman and Stevenson. (2 shots). (Or
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