Beauty - A Skin Deep Commodity By Joe Noble (1932)
Joe Noble animation. “Venus was the classic personification of beauty, but would Venus still be beautiful in modern clothes?“ Beside a depiction of Venus, Joe Noble draws a woman in modern dress. “Fashions change. The Modernist’s idea of beauty may be this - “ We see an abstract drawing labelled “Portrait of a lady“. It has a mouth and an eye in opposite corners of the painting with geometric shapes all around. “The old-time Artist used to dream his ideal could live. Nowadays, however, the Cartoonist is more fortunate.“ C/U of Joe Noble at his drawing board. He dips his pen into an ink pot and finishes a drawing. “His idea of beauty really can come to life - “ Stop frame animation is used to make a drawing come to life before our eyes. Joe draws “Wally, the Wily Welsh Rabbit“. It moves its head from side to side, following Joe’s pen. The rabbit moves from side to side then says (inside a speech bubble) “An orse! An orse!! My kingdom for an orse!!!“ A clothes horse appears beside him. He say