“Not a toy one this time, but a new light “feeder“ railway, using a 15“ gauge track.“ M/S of men at work laying a railway track. C/U of man using a tape measure to measure the distance between the tracks. High angle shot of the railway in action. A scale version of a real locomotive pulls cargo carriages behind it. Men sit on top of the carriages, as does a large dog. “They call it a light railway, but the engines weigh over 8 tons each. (Perfect miniatures of their big brothers.)“ M/S of the miniature steam train. By use of a dissolve a man magically appears beside the locomotive. C
.../U of man with grubby hands operating the train controls. “All aboard!“ Nice shot of group of smartly dressed people getting onto the train. L/S of the train at the station. Sign reads “New Romney“.
The train moves off. High angle shot of it passing the camera. People wave from the carriages. Point of view shot from the front of the train looking backwards as it moves through the countryside. We can see theShow more