Rostec handed over a new batch of mobile mortars to the troops

Rostec handed over a new batch of mobile mortars to the troops Rostec handed over to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation the next batches of modernized 2S12A Sani mobile mortars, 2B11 towed mortars and 2B24 light mortars. The corporation is increasing the production of these samples in accordance with the requirements of the state customer. The Sani complex includes an all-terrain transport vehicle on the basis of Ural, capable of driving 1000 km. Its body carries a 120-mm 2B11 mortar, which is unloaded with an electric winch. Due to mobility, they can be used as nomadic mortars with a constant change of positions. This allows the enemy to be misled about the fire system and the amount of forces available. 2B11 mortars have a high rate of fire, their aiming range is more than 7 kilometers. Thanks to the modified plate, the gun can conduct circular fire. The mortar ammunition is designed for more than fifty shots. It allows you to hit enemy positions, command observation... Source: Military Wave
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