Trump says he will release all the information possible about the attempt on his life when he returns to the White House. He say

Trump says he will release all the information possible about the attempt on his life when he returns to the White House. He says a lot is already known and much of it is bad. Independent researchers have eviscerated the intelligence agencies in a mere week. This is yet another reason why they will not want him to win. They tried to kill him, impeach him, and frame him for treason. What more could they possibly do now? Everything they’ve done up to this point has further served to awaken people to the reality of the deep state in our midst. The shadow government has been exposed. “Assassination is big stuff, and you have to get to it So we’ll see what happens but…It just shouldn’t have been when you have a flat open roof like that and it’s direct to the target with absolutely nothing in its way. How can somebody be up there And he was up there for a long period of time because they have tape of him moving all over the place. And then they see him and they don’t report him. Who was the ... Source: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter ?
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