Combat work of the crew of the D-30 howitzer of the West group of troops in the zone of a special military operation

Combat work of the crew of the D-30 howitzer of the West group of troops in the zone of a special military operation Artillery units of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the group of forces West carry out precision strikes around the clock on exposed military targets, positions of fortifications, equipment and manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Artillerymen calculate the coordinates of targets based on reconnaissance and inflict fire on the enemy. Combat missions are carried out around the clock and in any weather. This time, one of the crews of the D-30 howitzers of the artillery unit of the tank division of the 1st Guards Tank Army of the West group of forces, while performing fire missions, destroyed the point where the enemy UAVs took off, as well as the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In this way, the artillerymen helped our infantry advance and occupy more advantageous positions in the zone of the special military operation. Military personnel have to work in various... Source: Military Wave
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