FLASHMOB TANGO Homenaje Carlos Gardel. Barcelona-Montevideo-Buenos Aires.

Ingles: FlashMob Barcelona 24/06/2012 Milonga Plaza Real. To commemorate the 77th anniversary of the death of Carlos Gardel, the dance clothing company UP-Tango staged a spontaneous milonga in Barcelona’s Plaza Real. The guest vocalist at the event, Sandra Rehder (who was elegantly attired in one of the UP-Tango creations), sang “Reina de Piedra“ (by Sandra Rehder and Pablo Mainetti), while many of the female tango dancers taking part were also dressed in items from the UP-Tango collection. The improvised choreographic tango arrangements turned Plaza Real into a dance floor in homage to Carlos Gardel! Meanwhile, dancers and tango enthusiasts in Buenos Aires and Montevideo joined in with the spontaneous tango event, filling their public squares with movement and passion. Here is the complete video of the flashmob and for more info: , Español: FlashMob B
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