Potatoes with eggs is better than pizza! Easy, quick and very delicious recipe!
Just Add Eggs With Potatoes It’s So Tasty! Easy, quick and very delicious recipe! Potatoes with eggs is better than pizza! Healthy & Delicious!
Hello friends 🥰! Today, I present to you a delightful dinner creation featuring the perfect blend of eggs and potatoes. Start by boiling 14 ounces of potatoes until they’re tender. Once soft, place them in a bowl and season with black pepper, sweet paprika, and salt. Crush the potatoes and add 2 eggs, finely chopped coriander, creating a flavorful mixture.
Heat a frying pan, grease it with butter, and form a round shape with half of the potato mixture. Add sandwich cheese slices in the middle, cover with the remaining potatoes, and cook on both sides until golden brown. Pour eggs into potatoes for the finishing touch. This quick and delicious dinner is perfect for two people! Feel free to customize with your favorite spices. Bon appétit, and don’t forget to let me know your city in the comments! ԅ
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